Thursday, October 23, 2014

Double bubble, boil n no trouble; Pumpkin Soup

So not to waste the contents of the carved pumpkin I decided to make soup.

I didn't have the ingredients for recipes I found online so decided to use what I had.

So what did I have?
You guessed it
The flesh from inside a medium to small sizes pumpkin which I scooped out with a spoon.
A large red onion
Clove of garlic
A carrot
A small handful of split green lentils and cannelloni beans, about a dessert spoonful. You could also use other pulses, oat barley etc or soup mix
One stalk of celery
Sea salt (pinch)
Ground rainbow pepper (pinch)
Turmeric (yes you guessed it a pinch)
Mild curry powder (pinch)
Butter (a small knob)

How did I go about it?
Roughly chopped the red onion and put it in the pot with the butter, while this is lightly frying in the pot I chopped the garlic and added it, along with the salt and pepper.

I add the shredded pumpkin (it's fibrous so when I was scooping it out it naturally shredded) and covered in water.

I chopped the carrot and celery and threw in as it boiled along with the lentils and beans.

I let this boil for 15 minutes with the lid on then turned down to simmer for about an hour until the lentils and beans were soft. 
I then added the turmeric and curry powder, stirred and let it simmer for another 5 minutes to infuse before taking it off the heat to blitz with a hand blender.

And there it is boiling and bubbling back on the cooling hob to let it cool down naturally.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

So here was the result of so many years of trying

A bouncing baby boy
10 fingers 10 toes etc

Now over a year after his birth he is walking/running, chatting away and loves to dance.

Best gift I could ever get! So blessed to have gotten through all those years of depression of thinking this would never happen.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

24 Weeks already!

I cannot believe how time is flying along with our little miracle.

6 months in!

Our lil man is bustling around inside me keeping himself busy and playing away.

Next appointment is 3 days after Christmas for the dreaded Glucose Tolerance Test but there will be a scan in the middle of it so we are looking forward to seeing him again! Yay!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Well its time to change the tune.. Good News (for a change)

Well it has been one tough secret to keep and perhaps I didn't keep it as close as I should have but the excitement was too much.

On Friday the 13th of July we got our first ever BFP!
We had an early scan at 7 weeks as our nerves (well my nerves) were driving me crazy as this has never happened before after eight years of trying.
Baby was perfect size for 7 weeks and we could see the heart beat, it was such a relief!
Then the sickness started. Straight after this scan. Typical!
Last Friday we had our first maternity meeting and had bloods taken etc... and our second scan, a day short of 11 weeks.
Baby was lying down just waving at us and again we saw a heartbeat.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Knowing when to get over yourself

So last week was a horrible week for me, a complete low filled with self pity and crying sessions I have got up out of my wallowing misery and dusted myself off.
There are only 5 days left for this cycle (if not less going by the way my body is feeling today), I have to keep aiming for the positive sides of trying to conceive a baby and keep saying:
"Onwards and Upwards baby"

Not only am I trying to conceive at the moment but I am trying to stop Molly from conceiving, she has gone into her second heat just as we were about to get her neutered... AGAIN!

I have started hiding status updates that all about kids etc... cut out the things that influence my negativity.
I need to concentrate on other things, get on with my life, my mam is really down at the moment, I think it is only now that its hitting her that her sister is gone, I am hoping to get home soon to spend some time with her.
I need to get focused for the new semester of college in September.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Inside I am breaking decibel levels..

that even a dog could not tolerate.
I just want to scream but I have to hold my composure.

Looks like our treatment if it goes ahead at all will be delayed again by another few months.

So waiting now to find out if funding is there or not.

I hate my life right now

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Social Media "share" status' and pics are getting to me

You know the ones, share if you are a Mom etc...
Here's an example

Well my facebook homepage is constantly showing me these pictures, sayings etc...  constantly reminding me of how I am failing in achieving a status of motherhood.

"My children are the reason I wake up each morning, The Reason I Want To Breath ... And The Reason My hair is falling out, My house is a mess & I'm Crazy!" (Anon, 2012).
Today I am seriously not able for these status', and of course I know if we do ever get this elusive pregnancy with hopefully a baby at the end I will be just as bad but for now... for now I cant take it.

I would love to start posting pics of how hard it is to try and conceive with everyone shoving their pregnancies or babies in my face on there everyday but I dunno how my husband would feel about it, how I may segregate myself from family and friends.

Lets see over the next few days if I can muster the courage to even post the picture from yesterday's blog, that might be a start?