Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Update on the Ferret...

Posted to a local rescue page about the ferret sightings.
A Lady replied saying she had caught one.
The albino.
It was 4.30am and she awoke to scratching at her bedroom door, half asleep got up opened the door and picked up what she thought was one of her cats!
It wasnt, it was our little friend in the previous post!
He had come through her cat flap and the cats had chased him/her upstairs and he was scratching at her door trying to get away from the cats.
According to this lady they both got a terrible fright but she has since found him/her a foster home while they wait to see if an owner comes looking!
On a national radio station today there were several calls/texts/emails put in regarding spotting ferrets in various area's around the country and only one text in re a missing one, at the other side of the country!

Is this a new epidemic? The fad of owning a ferret wearing off and just dumping them where ever they want?

Friday, February 24, 2012

For Ferret's Sake!

A neighbour came to our door the other day to say she saw rats in her garden, I checked mine and upturned the compost etc..., nothing, no sign, so I am assuming the dogs have been keeping them out of our garden.

I say it to a friend who had been doing some bits and pieces in our shed who said he saw a ferret waltz in and have a good snoop around the other day and not to worry once a ferret has been around there wont be rats.
Now I have to admit I have not uncovered if this is fact or fiction just yet.

So tonight I let the dogs out the back to use the "facilities" when I hear an uproar and go running out.
I hear the dogs barking and something screeching!

Its the ferret! Jumping up at the dogs giving it welly, no fear of these two big labrador's!
Then it hit me. The smell! I have been looking it up and its a fear scent that they release from the anal gland which is usually removed in pets when neutered.
So now I stink, the dogs stink and its hiding behing a large flower pot.
I get the dogs back into the house and I go back out with a torch.
Its still behind the pot up against the fence that divides our garden to the neighbours. I pull the pot out and get look, by the time I get my more than useless camera phone out it has slinked in between the lats in the fence so the picture isnt great.

That drain pipe on the left is skinny so you can imagine how small the ferret is! I am assuming it is young as I always thought they were a big bigger than this but like I said before I am not an expert so who knows. So it has moved into next door's garden if not further. I have let the neighbours know it is in the garden, and I am hoping while it is there will it might venture a few gardens up for some dinner in the form of the rats. I am waiting to hear back from a local rescue regarding it and its safety, nothing on facebook that I can find about a missing ferret so assuming it was dumped or who ever owned it hasnt put anything up on local rescue pages etc...

Have no doubt that I will have an update on this.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How unfit am I?

My husband is on a major weight loss journey, now I couldnt be more proud, I had started out on his journey with him losing weight also.
I have been in a bad place hidden away from everyone else mentally, trying to look smiley on the outside but on the inside not so much.
I started cycling a few days a week to college last September then I started making excuses to eat fattier takeaway food while in college thinking sure I cycle in and out to college I can get away with this sausage roll or wedges, or both. Biggest mistake I ever made, I have increasingly added to this with this and that but have been cycling less.
I had been thinking of getting my ass off this couch and teaching myself that I am capable of running (jogging) 5 kilometers, Hubby dearest can already do this, I couldnt keep up with him on Inchydoney beach. I need to start this training now. I cant take the dogs out Molly is still in her first heat and is at her frisky stage so Kerri couldnt come out with me as  Male dogs would probably think she was the bitch in heat, I dont want to go there.
So with at least another week to go before I can even consider taking them out for a walk, because lets face it a whole lot of people play ignorant to their responsibilities as dog owners and just let them wander where ever and when ever they want to, fully intact, especially the males, now I know my pup is not yet neutered but due to financial circumstances I was waiting on a voucher to get her neutered and she went into heat a day before the vouchers were issued and due to demand they could not hold onto a voucher for me. So she can not be neutered until at least April.
I need to do this "training" I think while in college, between classes or something, I have just over a month to move these cankles that feel like lead when I attempt anything more than a spirited walk.
I really dont want to let myself down but would love love love to Join this race that hubby dearest has been ask to lead out in April as he is seen from his followers as an inspiration in his life changing journey, I still want to be part of it but need to get my head out of the doldrums to get myself back into gear.
I really need one of those preverbial kick's up the rear.
Inspiration please hit me with a whallop!