Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Technically "It's not my fault"

So after my husband went up to bed tonight, I ran upstairs to get something and left the two dogs downstairs with the sitting room door closed so Molly moonshine couldnt steal anything from in there.
I came down and put them out to bed because it was late.
On my way back into the house I saw my husbands expensive running shoes inside the back door.
My heart sank.

Yes true to form Molly had gotten her paws (jaws really) onto them and took them out to her guilty spot where she chews things and chewed the tops off of the heels.
This is NOT the first time she has done this and we have had arguments over who was at fault, the dog, me for "not training her properly" or my husband for leaving them somewhere she could get them.
When I go upstairs she normally waits on the stairs for me. Obviously the shoes were too tempting.
Now my husband is in bed, blissfully unaware that his new running shoes are in bits down here and he has a marathon in 2 weeks time!
I dont have the money to buy him new ones, as stated above they are expensive.
How am I going to get myself and Molly out of this one?
If I never post again its because I have been killed (I joke of course but I know the storm will brew fairly fast in the morning)
My husband gets up at 6am to go running before his swim...
I am so Dead!
Wish me luck!

My only defence is he normally leaves them in the sitting room so she doesnt get them as she has done this before... his defence will be he should be able to leave them anywhere without the dog wrecking them...

Sunday, April 15, 2012


What a long weekend.
My aunt passed away on Wednesday night, she had been ill for a long time and had so many close calls but always pulled through.
I think her immediate family, my mam included thought this might be the case again. Thanks to diligent children my mam and her female siblings made it to her home while the EMT's were still working on her to be there with her as she passed.

I could not get over the amount of people who attended either part of the funeral, people I have not seen since I was a child, neighbours from our own road and village came to pay their respects and to pass on their condolences to my mother even though they had never met my aunt, out of respect for my mother.
I was humbled by this.

Her funeral was sad and joyful at the same time, it is hard to explain. Her priest lived next door to her for the last twelve years and knew her and her character very well. He knew she was the joker, the woman who may have had nothing but gave all she could in time and knew when to tell a good or dirty joke, the latter usually getting the best reaction without causing any upset.

She loved hearing new jokes also.
Telling these jokes or stories, she would get so caught up in what the punch line was that she would burst into laughter before even getting to it. Crossing her legs at the knee's and bending over a bit, like the laughter was taking control over her body.
Whenever I think of the internet abbreviation PMSL I always think of her.
Because either she would be PHerSelfLaughing or I would be the one PMSL at the joke.

She was one in a million and will be greatly missed by her husband, sons, daughters in law, grandchildren, sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews greatly and missed as part of the local community of her town, her home village, nurses and doctors who treated her and anyone who met her in her lifetime.

My heart breaks for my mother, this is the first adult sibling to be lost in her family and she was the youngest sister at the age of 55. I felt bad leaving my mother to come home today as did my sister who had a flying visit for the service on Saturday. However with technology being as great as it is, like being able to blog my experiences, I keep in touch with family through facebook and twitter, it shortens the distance and the lenght of time between visits to family.

Breeda you were a fantastic, charasmatic, loving lady.
Your hugs were as warm and as welcome as Granny's. You are with Granny and Grandad now and your baby sister Peggy lost at the age of 2 to heart problems. Peggy was with you and around you for the last few months in your months of blindness which I hope elayed those fears of being alone and in the dark.
Sleep tight sweet Breeda until we all meet again.
Love You.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oh Good God, Birthday's

So I turn 35 today.
No kids, grey, fat, wrinkly and not great looking to boot.
Wow this is going to be one great birthday.

Thankfully I have a husband who loves me for which I am so grateful for.

I guess I had better give myself that preverbial kick in the butt I have been threatening myself with...
I have the whole week off college for Easter break and have only done one hour's study this week. With exams 4 weeks away I really need to get a riggle on with catching up with everyone.

So so proud of my husband, he ran his first 5k race yesterday, it took him 46 minutes but he didnt stop for a break, his running companion complimented him on the fact he kept the same pace the whole way through. So happy for him, to think this time last year it took him nearly 2 hours to walk 5k and ended up with feet covered in blisters. I can't keep up with him for a short run!
Love him so much!