Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Technically "It's not my fault"

So after my husband went up to bed tonight, I ran upstairs to get something and left the two dogs downstairs with the sitting room door closed so Molly moonshine couldnt steal anything from in there.
I came down and put them out to bed because it was late.
On my way back into the house I saw my husbands expensive running shoes inside the back door.
My heart sank.

Yes true to form Molly had gotten her paws (jaws really) onto them and took them out to her guilty spot where she chews things and chewed the tops off of the heels.
This is NOT the first time she has done this and we have had arguments over who was at fault, the dog, me for "not training her properly" or my husband for leaving them somewhere she could get them.
When I go upstairs she normally waits on the stairs for me. Obviously the shoes were too tempting.
Now my husband is in bed, blissfully unaware that his new running shoes are in bits down here and he has a marathon in 2 weeks time!
I dont have the money to buy him new ones, as stated above they are expensive.
How am I going to get myself and Molly out of this one?
If I never post again its because I have been killed (I joke of course but I know the storm will brew fairly fast in the morning)
My husband gets up at 6am to go running before his swim...
I am so Dead!
Wish me luck!

My only defence is he normally leaves them in the sitting room so she doesnt get them as she has done this before... his defence will be he should be able to leave them anywhere without the dog wrecking them...

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