I went back to Semester 4 today in my journey to reach Graduation, only 4 more to go.
We had Business Stats then 3 hours to kill before Applied Organisation Behaviour so I went to the lecturers office for the exam I got that big fat F in and he was not in his office. ugh.
I thought, ok I will take out a book and start reading while waiting for him hoping he would come back.
I met one of the tutors and he took my details, within minutes I had found out I had not in fact failed!
I became overwhelmed with relief and a rush of emotion, I thought I would collapse (and I am not the fainting type). No need to repeat, no need to stress on where I was to get the money to repeat, no panicking on how I was going to keep going with the new subjects this semester and worry about doing this exam all over again.
My lecturer emailed me later today to give my transcript breakdown.
I got a C3!!!
Never so happy as I was today, well ok I have been but really excited about it!
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