Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Experience... LOL

Well I woke up this morning and thought, right enough is enough of this lazing around lark while I am "waiting" to go back to college.
So took my bicycle out of the shed, dusted it off.
Went out to bring the dogs in out of the dog run, surprisingly Molly was still in the dog run!
I put their reflective straps and leads on.
It took me a minute or two to settle them down as the "thought" they were going out for a walk.
I sat up on the bike and just took off!
Molly went into Greyhound mode and just galloped and galloped, there was a guy sitting in a lorry outside and he just gawped at me.
I was laughing so hard inside at his face, on the outside I was pulling at her lead to reign her in a bit as her instinct was to get up on the path and a bit of a, how do you explain it, a giddy leaping around run?
Does that make sense?
Long story short, it was hilariously dangerous but I thoroughly enjoyed it, thanks the powers that be that there was no traffic at the time!
Lets see if this is going to be something that helps with Molly's hyperactivity and make her calmer on a post run walk?

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