Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tattoo's and Tattoo Design

So my sister turns 40 this year and she asked me to design a tattoo for her foot.
She like me is a tattoo virgin.
I am a severe needlephobe so I dont think I will ever build the courage to get one but who knows you can never say never right?

Her Requirements:
An Oriental Flower
3 Butterflies to represent each of her chidren.

I am not a big fan of the most common oriental flower for tattoo's; The Lotus Flower.

So I started to think about it and recalled an association with the Month of May (Her birth month) of when we were chidren. Our grandmother had a Cherry Blossom Tree and I only ever recalled it flowering a few times and it was always around her birthday (my sisters).
I thought that has to be it.
So I started there, my own Cherry Blossom has already started to bloom so I worked from that.

I then decided all three of her children are very different to eachother in personality so I needed three different styles of butterfly. So I got sketching.
This is what I came up with...

and the painted version

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