Sunday, March 4, 2012

Up the Walls with nothing new really to report

So its been very quiet here, busy working away with college work, or at least attempting to. The dogs have not left the house in a month since Molly went into heat, she is still unbelievably showing signs of being in heat and with so many loose male intact dogs in our estate, I would not even bring her outside the front door incase it attracted these dogs to the house and it has worked.
I know from previous experience dogs can smell a female in heat for miles around. I did not want to take the chance of her getting pregnant at 9 months of age. I am hoping we get the funds together before her next heat to get her neutered.
Had a project to hand in this week with a team of 3 other mature students for our Innovation and Entrepreneur Module. I had a draft essay to hand in for Applied Organisation Behaviour and had feedback on a worksheet for Human Resource Development, ontop of all of this I had three evenings work in the Students Union. It was Charity Week this week so it was full on, it is our university's version of RAG week. There was a lot of money raised for charities as far as I can tell, no official figures yet.
I have not been able to stop eating all week and have discovered Philadelphia Chocolate, its a mix of Philadelphia cheese and Dairymilk Chocolate. OMG as Jedward would say, its frickin delicious! Stick it on a digestive biscuit and it tastes like a chocolate cheesecake! I prefer it though on a rich tea biscuit.
My thighs are enormous from cycling to and from college.
I am still managing to stay up late so am like the walking dead, so so tired. No wonder study isnt going well.

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