Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Summer Break so Far...

Well the dogs have been on great walks, Molly has taken a figari to the halti but cant see why, she is just so stubborn, need to change up the walking regime.
Once I turn a certain direction in our estate and they know we are heading towards the river... The pulling and high pitched They sound like little dogs yapping, if you know what I mean. Not insulting the smallies.
Molly has made friends now with 3 more dogs, which I am delighted for because because of no fault of her own or my own she has spent much of her first year of life in Quarantine due to the parvo and going into heat a bit early.
I have been doing my best to get out  but have had a great few days of feeling sorry for myself and throwing myself onto the couch or staying up late and staying in bed late in the mornings. This needs to change.
I am down to 200lbs now for which I am delighted. The stop smoking campaign is up and down but in the right direction. The nicotine gum's are not really suiting me but I will keep plugging away.
Loads more to do before the end of the summer.

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